Web applications and ecommerce development

My name is David Kaplan and I freelance in the area of web applications and ecommerce development.

I evaluate and analyze digital projects.

I write code in Javascript and React JS.

I build e-commerce solutions on Shopify platform.

David Kaplan Web Developer

Custom development

Quality and sustainable development are crucial parts of every well-planned project. Despite the fact of how expensive and time-consuming the development is, many companies do not take enough time in the planning and preparation phase. It is not as simple as saying we want a new tool for our cms system.

It is crucial to have clear goals and vision for each project and not skip any important step along the way. Unfortunately, it is often the case that it is required to develop a complex tool from a very brief description without planning and evaluation. This very often leads to the rework of major parts of the project and costs valuable resources.

It is important to spend enough time on analysis and then finish an MVP as early as possible, reviewing it with users or customers. Development should be broken down into small chunks and reviewed often. This whole process requires a good amount of honesty and clear communication on both sides of the table.

Why work with me

  • I am reliable. I keep my word and timeline.

  • Honest and clear in my communication.

  • Always consider work in the big picture and consider the effect on your business.

  • Experience in project management.

  • Like working in teams. If work is beyond my skills, I find an expert for help. This is how I can take on complex projects.

Why find someone else

  • There must be value in the work otherwise I am not on board.

  • Development can be expensive.

  • I work on strict working hours. There are powder days, climbing days, and expedition opportunities when it is hard to say no.